Saturday, 7 July 2012

Placement, lets reflect...

Being in a 'clinical' environment, requires clinical behaviour.  This is what I had otherwise thought until now.  My experience at Imperial Trust Hospitals has allowed me to challenge my previous perception of clinical dietetics in an acute setting through direct experience and active reflection.

Dietetics is about 'treating and preventing disease through food' right! but also it's main principle is to 'feed those who cant feed themselves', this is an area I am actively experiencing and implementing my knowledge to right now.

In an acute setting you can imagine regimental care, yes this is true however being regimental is not the way to find the perfect care plan, you need to be creative, holistic and strangely a good seller….

what do I mean by this… 
well you are selling your treatment plan, to the patient and other health proffesionals.  

This plan is based on your knowledge, clinical judgement and input from other health professionals, however you have to get the patient on board. You do this by gaining a background, learning everything about this patient, socially and medically.  Then the next step is check there status right now, are the up to change?  then you come up with what you think is best for them… then you get there consent… there you have it the SALE.

You have to be open,  act with reflective responding, give open questions and explain the benefits of your plan….the only difference is theres no physical till…however with the eminent 'NHS reform' on the horizon maybe this final step is not to far away….

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