Food choices for me involve two things, one level of hunger and two in the words of Simon Cowel likeability! Thats why when I send a photo or description of what I am about to eat to Richy I find it bizzare to see how polorised our opinions are about the same dish…..
To me it is interesting, wholesome and tasty to him "hmmm leaves, tomato and lumps if grain…my fav" filled with the inevitable sarcasm.
This made me question my original "choice", were there unknown factors other then the above involved when I put together my lunch. It appears that to many this concoction denotes health, diet, light, green, and altogether a lower class option on the taste front, resembling something more along the line of a rabbits cuisine then a tasty bate!
But to me time after time The food "choices" I make follow through to be tasty, yummy and altogether satisfying!
This has highlighted the battles I may face in my career, one persons food heaven is close to another's food hell
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